Glenn Jones


Civil Draughtsman

NZ Certificate in Electrical Engineering Theory

NZ Certificate in Electrical Engineering Theory

Glenn has 4 years of CAD drafting experience, all developed with the MaCC team and from his current home in Mexico.   Prior to working as a Civil Draughtsman Glenn worked as an Electrician for 15 years in various industries including industrial automation, renewable energy, testing and inspection of commercial and domestic electrical work.

Glenn is known for the high quality of his drawings and for going that extra mile to deliver within a set time frame.


Phone: (07) 260 20545


Outside of Work

Originally from Christchurch, New Zealand but he has spent a lot of his adult life living overseas in London, England and currently living in Guadalajara, Mexico.

When he isn’t working on drawings, or having a siesta, you can find him pursuing some of his other interests which include fishing, exploring new places, cooking (food in general!), beer brewing and skateboarding!